CS 672: System Reliability at Scale

Spring 2024

Class Format

This class will take place in person on campus. Active participation from students is expected and will be graded.


I recommend introductory familiarity with computer architecture and statistics to get the most out of this course. Prior programming experience building, running, and debugging C/C++ projects will be helpful for assignments and the final project.

Please reach out to me if you have specific questions or concerns.


No books are required. Course material will be primarily based on research articles. Links for references and readings will be provided through this website.

Optional textbooks that we will reference include:

Course Structure and Expected Work

This is an advanced graduate-level course comprising paper readings, discussions, and debates as well as assignments and a final project. Students are expected to participate by critically analyzing assigned paper(s) and expressing their thoughts and ideas during class discussions.

Expected coursework includes:


Class Participation

Class participation is essential because this is largely a discussion-based course. Students are expected to prepare for each lecture based on assigned readings and share their thoughts during in-class discussions.

Assignment 1: Programming

Reproduction of David Bacon's back-of-the-envelope calculations for silent data corruption.

Assignment 2: Programming

Implementation of fuzz testing by proxy using a software model of a 16-bit adder.

Final project

The project will be an open-ended mini-research project involving design, analysis, and/or implementation. I will provide a list of ideas to base your proposals on, but I highly encourage you to use them as inspiration for your own ideas, which typically lead to better motivation and results.

Details TBA




Late Submissions: Late submissions will NOT be accepted for any reason starting Tuesday, 13 February. True emergencies (e.g., medical with proof) are subject to instructor approval.

Academic Integrity: Students should be familiar with the University's academic integrity policy. Any violations will be treated seriously according to the policy. Please don't cheat- it's not worth it.


This course draws inspiration from:

The course website is inspired by: